Scorpio Candle
Working with Scorpio as an archetype or in its full or new moon phase
Poured with the profound, mystical, and transformative energies of Scorpio in mind, the burnishing scent of sage will clarify any space with the potent, fearless energies of this deep Water sign.
Modern Mystic Shop candles are ritualistically made by hand, with organic ingredients by practitioners of magick.
20 hour burn time.
Full Ingredients
Cotton wick, GMM-free soy wax, organic coconut oil, proprietary blend of organic essential oils: Sage

Cleansing, Intuition, EmpathyKnown for its cleansing properties, Sage also amplifies intuition and turns the heart towards empathy.HOW TO USE
To ritualize this candle for a Solar Return (Birthday) carve a birthday wish into the top of the candle while feeling the positive energy of those wishes making manifest. Light the candle to spark these wishes to life. Allow the candle to burn out completely. To ritualize this candle for the New Moon carve intentions into the top of the candle while feeling the positive energy of these intentions making manifest. Light the candle to spark these intentions. Allow the candle to burn out completely. To ritualize this candle for the Full Moon carve what you’d like to release into the top of the candle while feeling the positive energy of the healing taking place. Light the candle to spark the release of these blocks. Allow the candle to burn out completely.