Deepen Your Intuition

Just as a calm lake reflects the sky with perfect clarity, your intuition is a mirror to your soul. It's time to deepen your connection to this inner wisdom, allowing it to guide you through life's currents with grace and ease. Imagine your intuition as a powerful river, flowing freely and carrying you towards your highest potential. Let's embark on a journey to unlock the depths of your intuition and harness its transformative power.
Card of the Day: Daily Tarot Practice for Intuition
Pulling a tarot card at the beginning of each day is a perfect way to both expand your knowledge of tarot and enhance your intuition. Follow these steps from Kelley to try it for yourself:
- Every day, at the beginning of your day, pull one tarot or oracle card from your deck. Without looking at a guidebook or searching for the meaning of the card, take a moment to sit with your card. Look at the imagery and the symbols of the card and try to sense the energy of the card in front of you.
- Take a moment to journal your interpretation of the card and how you feel as you look at it. After you’ve written your personal meaning, you can look up the card and see how the traditional meaning of the card compares to how you interpreted it.
- Go throughout your day and live your life as you normally would. Be aware of how the energies of that card show up for you throughout your day, and feel what it’s like to live the energy of the card that you pulled. Experiencing the energy of the card first hand will help you better understand and retain its meaning.
- At the end of the day, go back to your journal and write down how the energy of the card played out throughout your day. Read back through your interpretation of the card, and compare it to your lived experience of the card’s energies.
Gather Your Tools for this Practice Here
Dive Deep through Journaling
Just as a gentle stream meanders through the landscape, your intuition flows freely within you, carrying valuable insights and guidance. These journal prompts invite you to explore the depths of your inner wisdom, to understand its language, and to strengthen its flow.
- How does your intuition communicate with you? Is it a gut feeling, a physical sensation, a thought, or something else entirely? Explore the ways your intuition expresses itself.
- Describe a time when you strongly trusted your intuition, and it led to a positive outcome. What were the signs or signals you received? How did it feel to follow your gut?
- What steps can you take to strengthen your intuition? How can you create a more conducive environment for listening to your inner voice?