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The Pisces Full Moon is a time of heightened intuition, compassion, and emotional sensitivity. Themes include spiritual connection, creativity, and the dissolution of boundaries between the conscious and subconscious. 

This full moon encourages letting go of rigid structures, embracing flow and imagination, and deepening empathy. It’s a period where dreams and inner visions can be particularly vivid, offering insights that transcend logical thinking. 
The Pisces Full Moon invites you to connect with your inner self, explore your spiritual side, and practice forgiveness and emotional release.


Ritual Full Moon in Pisces 

Here’s a clear and simple guide to performing a ritual for facing and eliminating fears during the Pisces Full Moon, adapted from Pamela Chen and Alexandra Hanly’s Akashic Business Academy:

What You'll Need:

  • One white spell candle
  • One black spell candle
  • A carving tool
  • A lighter
  • A notebook and pen


  1. Find a comfortable seat and focus on your breathing until you feel relaxed and meditative.
  1. Hold the black candle in your hand. Imagine your biggest fear becoming a reality. Visualize it as vividly as possible, allowing yourself to fully experience the emotions that arise.
  1. While holding the black candle, write out this fear in detail in your notebook.
  1. Review what you’ve written and circle a few key words that stand out to you. Carve those words into the black candle.
  1. On a new page, write a list of possible solutions or actions you would take if this fear came true. As you do this, notice how the energy shifts and your body begins to relax.
  1. Identify the solution that feels the most calming or easy. Carve this word or phrase into the white candle.
  1. Light the black candle and place it on your left. Then, light the white candle and place it on your right.
  1. Place your hands on your heart. Look into the black candle and say, “I release my fears.” Then, look into the white candle and say, “Solutions come with ease.” Repeat this process until you feel a genuine shift and the release of your fears.
  1. Allow the candles to burn down completely.
  1. Once the candles have burned out, either bury the remaining wax or wrap it and dispose of it.
  1. If you can safely do so outdoors, burn the paper where you wrote your fear narrative.


Tarot Spread Full Moon in Pisces 

Try this tarot spread for clarity before the ritual or to gain insight during the Full Moon in Pisces. Consider the question: What do I gain from holding on to this fear? Often, our psyche holds onto fears as a way of trying to protect us. By understanding what your mind is trying to achieve, you can find solutions that allow it to release the fear, no longer needing to keep it in place.