Lift Your Spirits

Are you in the midst of a summertime slump? Guide yourself back into the sunshine with a little help from our spiritual solutions. Owner and CEO, Kelley Knight, talks a little about her experience with an emotional downturn, and how she brought herself back up into the sun:
"About 8 years ago, I fell into a really deep depression. At the time, I was already deep into my spiritual journey, reading tarot professionally. It was confusing because I had this idea that spiritual people were supposed to be content and happy. Instead, I found myself gripped by anxiety, feeling like nothing could ever fix my problems.
I was in such a bad place that I had to be literally carried out of my house to therapy because I couldn’t move. I remember sitting on the floor of my den, surrounded by tarot cards, desperately searching for answers. But in that moment, they were just cards to me—meaningless paper—and I felt utterly hopeless.
I reached out to a friend and colleague, pouring out my heart. He said something that really struck me: “What if you’ve outgrown your container?” His words hit home, suggesting that maybe I was meant for something bigger, that I needed to step up and expand my life.
I didn’t know how to do that at the time, but then my husband introduced me to the Road Opener ritual. I performed it with everything I had because it felt like my life depended on it—and in a way, it did.
Miraculously, within days, a client provided the funds to start what would become Modern Mystic Shop. Within weeks, we were open for business, and something amazing happened: the depression and anxiety started to lift. I was finally stepping into my true self.
Now, whenever I feel that darkness creeping back in, I know it’s a sign that I need to push myself further, to expand my impact and live bigger. If any of this resonates with you, I encourage you to visualize yourself as the fullest version of who you can be every day. Feel what that feels like and let it guide your choices.
Consider trying a Road Opener ritual to break through any barriers, traumas, or self-imposed limits. Magic can bring about sudden changes—I’ve experienced it firsthand, and I believe you can too."
If you’re struggling with your mental health, please reach out to a medical professional for support! Our content, information, opinions, advice or guidance do not constitute medical advice and are not intended to be relied upon to cure, diagnose, or treat any mental or physical health condition.