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Tarot Forecast June 24 - 30

This week looks pretty breezy, so enjoy being in the flow and make sure to add extra energy to all the positive momentum you’re experiencing.

Monday 6/24 | 2 of Swords

It’s okay if you're feeling stuck on certain topics in your life. Both perspectives hold strong value and are guiding you to consider different sides of the equation. The balance will shift in due time, bringing you the clarity and relief you seek.

Tuesday, 6/24 | Queen of Wands

Today, you're likely feeling confident and empowered! Embrace your high self-esteem and acknowledge that you hold the dominant energy in your life. You're prepared to make decisions from a position of strength and inner authority.

Wednesday, 6/25 | Wheel of Fortune

Surrender and allow the Universe to take the reins! Imagine the energy and effort you could conserve by releasing the need to orchestrate every miracle yourself. There's something magnificent awaiting you when you co-create with the Universe itself!

Thursday, 6/26 | Page of Cups

Let loose and have some fun today! Engage in activities that feel light-hearted and enjoyable, no matter how whimsical they may seem. There's value in indulging in flights of fancy and not taking yourself too seriously.

Friday, 6/27 | The Sun

It will feel easy to feel positive and optimistic today! From this place of confidence, take some action towards future plans that align with the person you’d like to be more often. Now is a great time for bold moves, especially regarding love. 

Saturday, 6/28 | Queen of Cups

Your intuition is strong and clear today! Trust the messages you receive and pay attention to your inner voice. You might even have valuable insights to share with those closest to you. You're in tune and on point!

Sunday, 6/29 | Death 

Now is the perfect moment to draw a line in the sand as we approach the new month. Identify those habits, people, or actions that no longer work for you. It's time to bid farewell and embrace positive changes ahead.

Tarot RX

  • Let That Sh*t Go Essential Oil
  • The Sun Tarot Keychain
  • Solar Plexus Chakra Roll On

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